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Where is My Customer? - By Srinivasan Ramanujam

This E-Book contains about my Entrepreneurial experience starting from the year 2017 and I have explained in detail about how did I come into the business and what was the challenges that I have been faced all these years and how did I overcome and still how do I manage to do the business etc.,

This might be useful for whoever would want to do the business and how the persistence and patience and the passion are important for an Entrepreneur...that I have explained it very clearly.

You can get it for free and I am happy to share my experiences in public so that others can take the positivity from this book.

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    This is a Book of my own Experiences and I have shared my challenges, financial burden, how did I come across those things on my way...Everything is Only For YOU!

    This is the book for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Business Man, Small and Medium Business Owners, Digital Marketers, Career Counsellors, Business Coaches, Educators